Waterdown, Ontario, Canada

Dedicated to the Niagara Escarpment and the Bruce Trail, this 1,850 m2 (20,000 sq.ft.) demonstration museum started with the premise that the building would try to disappear into the natural environment of the site. To do this we employed employ a green roof that will rise from grade, arch over the building mass and return to grade like a rolling hill. The vertical surface on the west side, which is the visible side, is constructed as a vertical stone wall using the stone from the adjacent quarry. It will look like the quarry wall. Finally, the entire parking lot is hidden behind an earth berm to minimize its visual impact.

Even the skylights and mechanical penthouses are enclosed in quarry stone as they project up through the rolling hill. The only other visible material is glass that is used at the entry point.

So that visitors can experience the view and natural wonders which the quarry and surrounding lands offer, the entire east face of the hill is glass. Proximity to the quarry will make for magnificent views from places such as the restaurant and the restaurant patio.